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The Importance of Human Interaction & my fat loss journey

Gym Human interaction Mentor Workouts

The Importance of Human Interaction

Today at the gym, I had an inspiring experience that underscored the value of human interaction. I've been trying to master muscle-ups for a few years now. I can do a few, but only with a big kick. While I was struggling with my kicking muscle-ups, a calisthenics expert next to me was effortlessly doing them with a weight hanging off him. He noticed my struggle, pulled out his headphones, and said, "Your swing is making it harder for you. Try pulling yourself straight up and pushing over the bar instead."

I paid attention because this guy had perfect form. Intrigued, I asked him to tell me more. He explained that instead of swinging my legs, I should focus on a straight pull-up and push-over motion for a proper muscle-up. I followed his advice, and to my astonishment, I went straight over the bar and did a perfect muscle-up. It was a revelation—one small tweak, one tip from someone who could actually see my form in person, made all the difference.

I realized that despite all the YouTube and Instagram videos I'd watched trying to figure out muscle-ups, none of them could provide the personalized feedback I got from this brief interaction. This experience taught me a lot about the importance of having a mentor or at least someone who can observe you directly, whether in person or over a Zoom call. Having someone listen to your music firsthand, review your business plan, or watch your physical movements can provide the specific guidance you've been searching for.

I walked out of the gym feeling proud after doing five muscle-ups in a row, and I'm excited to share this broader life lesson with you. I hope this inspires you to seek out human interaction to take your craft—whatever it may be—to the next level.

If you feel inspired and want to chat, book a free 15min session with me here

Video here

My journey is an example of the importance of balancing diet and exercise for achieving fitness goals. Here's a summary of my approach:

My journey and continued daily approach is 90% diet and 10% fitness

Diet and Calorie Counting

- Calorie Tracking

I use the free version of MyFitnessPal to track daily calorie intake. Understanding the calorie content of different foods helps me manage my diet effectively.

-Daily Calorie Limit

I started with a baseline of 2000 calories but adjusted down to 1800 calories to suit my body weight (143 lbs) and avoid gaining weight. When I feel I wanna get more jacked and have more energy to lift and exercise heavier, I’ll ramp up my calorie intake by 500-800 for a couple days then drop it back down.  There’s a million ways to do this based on everyones uniqueness but this is still the start of my fat loss journey. 

Food Choices

My diet is protein-centric, focusing on foods like

Zero-fat Greek yogurt

Protein powder

Clean meat; Chicken, fish, lean beef, I stay away from most deep fried meats and foods as they are high in calories.

Vegetables & fruits: Blueberries, broccoli, spinach, carrots, apples. No dried fruit or fruit juices as they have high calories.

Minimally added sugars, fats, oils & dressings. These can jack up the calories on any plate of food 10 fold.

Simplicity - Simple whole food diet has worked for me.

I emphasize that calories are the primary factor in my weight management, rather than specific diets like keto or low-carb. IMO most keto labeled foods are a joke and have high calorie content.

Anyone with heart or blood pressure issues needs to see a nutritionist, in my experience a general doctor is not trained in nutrition. 

I try to drink 1 gallon of water per day, starting my morning off with almost a half gallon. 

Exercise Routine


I work out six days a week with a structured plan. Rain or shine, at home or away, at a gym or in my hotel room, the routine is the same.

I’m 46 years old, so I make sure never to skip my warm ups and ease into each exercise.

My number 1 goal is to not hurt myself so I can gym the next day. However, I try to workout like a savage and get my pumps on.

-Monday Shoulders & Abs

-Tuesday Legs & Abs

-Wednesday Full Body calisthenics

-Thursday Back, Biceps & Abs

-Friday Legs & Abs

-Saturday Chest, Triceps & Abs

-Sunday Rest and Spa

-Starting Slow

I began with a gradual approach and increased intensity over time.

One thing I do is Abs and Calves almost everyday.

-Key Insights

-Caloric Deficit

The foundation of my weight loss journey was maintaining a caloric deficit, ensuring that i consumed fewer calories than my body needed to maintain weight.

- **Exercise and Calories**: While exercise helps burn calories, i found that strictly controlling calorie intake was more effective for fat loss than trying to offset higher calorie consumption with more exercise.

- **Protein Focus**: A high-protein diet helps in muscle building and maintenance, essential when I’m doing regular weight training.

### Tips for Others

1. **Track Your Intake**: Use tools like MyFitnessPal to stay aware of your calorie consumption.

2. **Set Realistic Goals**: Adjust your calorie intake based on your weight and goals. For example, if you're smaller or less active, you might need fewer calories. Start with cutting out just one thing and slowly adjust your mindset - Meaning, cut out one thing at a time - like sodas, fries, deep fried foods, etc.

3. **Consistency is Key**: Regular exercise and consistent calorie management are crucial.

4. **Simplify Nutrition**: Focus on overall calorie intake rather than following specific diet trends.

My approach is straightforward and emphasizes the importance of caloric balance in weight management. This simplicity can be a motivating factor for others starting their fitness journey.